library. There are enough examples on the Internet to get a basic program written very quickly that will retrieve emails. However, I was surprised that I couldn’t find a more detailed program. For example, I soon learned (the hard way) about message encodings (Base64 and Quoted-Printable). I found references to MIME::QuotedPrint
and MIME::Base64
libraries for decoding the email bodies. It was easy enough to check the header for encoding entries:# Process header for (split /^/, $header) { if ( /^From:\s+<(.*?)>/i ) { $from = $1 }; if ( /^Subject:\s+(.*)/i ) { $subject = $1 }; } # Decode body if encoded if ( $header =~ /Content-Transfer-Encoding:\s+base64/is ) { $body = decode_base64($body); } elsif ( $header =~ /Content-Transfer-Encoding:\s+quoted-printable/is ) { $body = decode_qp($body); }
But I was surprised this was a “manual” process left up to the user. I then discovered some characters in the body were wrong. The emails are utf8 encoded and seemed to be readable 99.9% of the time, but every so often, I’d see a character get messed up. Things like a single-right-quote wouldn’t convert properly. I searched again and found
which did the trick. So yes, I got it all working, but it seemed very inelegant.I happened to stumble on a bit of code while looking for more information on Perl and utf8 that used
to process emails. Most examples using Email::MIME
that I’ve seen are for encoding (i.e., sending) emails. I took an educated guess at using Email::MIME
as a decoder and it worked a treat. Here’s an example program to read emails using what I’ve found.#!/usr/bin/perl use Modern::Perl; use Mail::POP3Client; use Email::MIME; use IO::Socket::SSL; use Encode; # Set output to UTF8 use utf8; binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); # Retrieve emails through POP3 my $pop_user = '********'; my $pop_pass = '********'; my $pop_host = 'mail.********.com'; # Connect to POP3 sever # Manually create SSL connection since we can't # set SSL_verify_mode in Mail::POP3Client my $socket = IO::Socket::SSL->new( PeerAddr => $pop_host, PeerPort => 995, SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE, Proto => 'tcp') || die "No socket!"; my $pop = Mail::POP3Client->new(); $pop->User($pop_user); $pop->Pass($pop_pass); $pop->Socket($socket); $pop->Connect() or die "Unable to connect to POP3 server: ".$pop->Message()."\n"; # Count number of items in mailbox my $mailcount = $pop->Count(); # Process each email individually for (my $i = 1; $i <= $mailcount ; $i++) { my $header = $pop->Head($i); # Gets the email header #my $uni = $pop->Uidl($i); # Gets the unique id #my $body = $pop->Body($i); # Gets the email body my $mail = $pop->HeadAndBody($i); my $parsed = Email::MIME->new($mail); my $from = encode('utf8', $parsed->header('From')); my $subject = encode('utf8', $parsed->header('Subject')); my $body = $parsed->body_str; say "$header"; say "$body\n"; } # END for loop # Close POP connection $pop->Close();
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