Believe it or not, whipped cream can be low carb friendly. Even bariatric patients are typically allowed to gulp mouthfuls as a treat. The sugar content is low assuming the quantity consumed is also low. No-sugar-added whipped cream is available, but it's not palatable. All the ones I've seen use just one sweetener: sucralose. First rule of low carb desert conversions is to use more than one. I use erythitol and sucralose to create a light and fluffy treat that will satisfy any sweet tooth.
I splurged on a professional gourmet whipped cream maker. The best one is made by iSi and costs over $80 on Amazon. I usually like making a pint, but the price for the smaller model is not much different and I like the option to make a double batch. You can save money buying one made by a different company, but I didn't want poor results to be blamed on the equipment.