Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Low Carb Whipped Cream

Whipped cream is light, fluffy, and sweet. It's made by whipping heavy cream with a bit of sugar and vanilla extract. The mixture is usually sold in pressurized cans containing nitrous oxide. As the gas is released, it creates tiny bubbles that trap air in the cream, making it expand and take on a whipped texture.

Believe it or not, whipped cream can be low carb friendly. Even bariatric patients are typically allowed to gulp mouthfuls as a treat. The sugar content is low assuming the quantity consumed is also low. No-sugar-added whipped cream is available, but it's not palatable. All the ones I've seen use just one sweetener: sucralose. First rule of low carb desert conversions is to use more than one. I use erythitol and sucralose to create a light and fluffy treat that will satisfy any sweet tooth.

I splurged on a professional gourmet whipped cream maker. The best one is made by iSi and costs over $80 on Amazon. I usually like making a pint, but the price for the smaller model is not much different and I like the option to make a double batch. You can save money buying one made by a different company, but I didn't want poor results to be blamed on the equipment.