There are many spirits and beverages that have essentially zero carbs. It is also wise to avoid congeners in order to minimize the risks of a hangover. The optimal liquor found at the intersection of these two variables is vodka. It’s probably the clearest and purest form of alcohol to drink, but also quite boring to imbibe neat. Most vodka distillers offer flavored varieties but these products invariably have added sugars that we would obviously like to avoid. Fear not, for I have found a solution. Ah, I know what you’re thinking: we’ll just add our own flavorings with a bit of non-caloric sweeteners and call it a night. Oh, no. I’ve got something way better. Chocolate. Not chocolate flavoring or extract. Real chocolate. Now, I must warn you... This invention of mine is dangerous. I fear that this recipe may make vodka so delicious, I will regret the havoc it will cause.
A low carb lifestyle doesn’t imply enduring life as a teetotaler.